Saturday, July 19, 2008

Note found in the dragon's hoard

Noak, I want to thank you for the artifact that you have gifted me. I was surprised that you found a temple dedicated to Corellon in this mountain. I suspect that it dates back to the fall of Nerath, when the elves and humans retreated underground to their Dwarven allies. Hah! Cowards and weaklings the lot of them. The artifact has a long and interesting history, one that I'm sure a sophisticated and cultured dragon like yourself will appreciate, and I'll be happy to share all that my sages have learned with you once you are finished in the Howling Caverns.

In return for your generous gift, I have dispatched these Hobgoblins to aid your efforts in the Nentir Vale, and I look forward to cementing our alliance. Once you have accumulated enough wealth to raise a mighty army, I hope you'll join me at my lair. With our combined forces, we shall be unstoppable! I'm sure that you'll find the climate here to be more to your liking than those warm caves.


The letter had been sealed with an emblem that looks like a downward thrusting, red hand insignia.

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