Saturday, July 19, 2008


Querris is a member of the Woodsinger Clan of the Harken Forest. He is not brave, which is partly why he chose the safety of the bow.

When the goblins became more aggressive Querris was scared and left the Nentir Vale in search of a safer life, but was almost immediatelyovercome with remorse. He has returned to the Vale, with the thought of possibly reuniting with his Clan or finding some other way to help them with the goblins.

He now faces a difficult choice. His Clan is almost certainly displeased with him and unlikely to easily forgive his desertion. However he wants to find some way to help. Maybe if he can bring help, or otherwise reduce the goblin threat his Clan will be less judgemental? Who knows. Querris won't be making a bee-line back to his Clan, that's for sure...

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