Friday, June 20, 2008

An Adventuerer's Overview of the Nentir Vale

(DM's note: this is supplemental information to what's presented in Chapter 11 of the DMG. In case of inconsistencies, this overrides the DMG)

Well, travelers, welcome to the Nentir Vale! This place probably doesn't look like much, but it might surprise you how important the Nentir Vale actually was in the history of our little world. There's always been a kind of a frontier, rough 'n tumble attitude here in the Vale. This was one of the last lands that was brought under the Nerath empire, about four hundred years ago, almost a hundred years after the first emperor of Nerath.

It was here that the first alliance between Elves, Humans and Dwarves was formed. I guess it was out of necessity during the Wars of the Shadowfell Rifts, and what with the drow coming out of Harken Forest. But no matter how it started, it's what cemented our friendship with all these other fine folk. A lot of honest folk gave their lives fighting the undead and the drow then, and you can still tour a couple of the old battlegrounds.

During the fall of Nerath, we were pretty lucky to have been so far from the heartlands. Not too many foul beasties came around here, but you've probably already heard of the Bloodspear wars that happened about ninety year ago. Nasty creatures, the orcs, they pretty much pillaged all of the vale before they finally went at each other's throats. It's a shame you've never seen Fallcrest at its peak. I'm told it was a sight to behold. Since then, the Markelhay family, who founded Fallcrest, has been trying to hold on to what it's got and get back some of that former glory. The current lord, Faren Markelhay, is a pretty decent fellow. Still, the roads around here are pretty dangerous, and going between, say Fallcrest, and Hammerfast is going to put you through a couple of days camping in the wilderness. So all in all, Netir Vale might seem boring, but it's got a rich history behind it, and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for here.

Erandil Zemoar, Proprietor of Nentil Inn, Fallcrest

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