Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pelinal Greenhilt

Pelinal Greenhilt was born and raised in the beautiful city by the eastern sea, Cardin of the Three Towers. His human mother was a minor noble, distantly related to the royalty of old Nerath. His elf father was a travelling musician, who he saw only occasionally during childhood. Cardin apprenticed to the temple of Corellon when he was 10, learning to fight and sing and to appreciate his elven heritage. At 17 the wanderlust struck him, and he headed off to find adventure and fame and to do Corellon's work in the world.


Querris is a member of the Woodsinger Clan of the Harken Forest. He is not brave, which is partly why he chose the safety of the bow.

When the goblins became more aggressive Querris was scared and left the Nentir Vale in search of a safer life, but was almost immediatelyovercome with remorse. He has returned to the Vale, with the thought of possibly reuniting with his Clan or finding some other way to help them with the goblins.

He now faces a difficult choice. His Clan is almost certainly displeased with him and unlikely to easily forgive his desertion. However he wants to find some way to help. Maybe if he can bring help, or otherwise reduce the goblin threat his Clan will be less judgemental? Who knows. Querris won't be making a bee-line back to his Clan, that's for sure...

In my absence

Although I was curious about the howling horde, I had already waited too long to return Hammerfast. Ten years, to this date, had passed since Morel had fallen in battle, and I needed to inform his clan of his fate.

I informed my current companions that I would leaving for Hammerfast the next day and that I would return within a fortnight. They did not ask why I was leaving or what business I had in Hammerfast. All the better. While I trust my friends greatly, I am not sure that they are not ready to know that fate of my former party. Surely that knowledge would cause their loyalty to me to wane.

Upon my return my companions had a very interesting tale. The Howling Horde was a tribe of goblins and hobgoblins lead by a dragon, a white, named Noak. They had enlisted they help of a gruff dwarf arcanist named Dorlok and a charming halfling scout named Roe. With there help, they were able to neutralized the hobgoblin commanders and slay the dragon.

To my surprise, they did not slay the remaining goblins. Instead the Dorlok and Roe volunteered to act as emissary for the goblins and the surrounding towns. Their reasons for trusting the goblins eludes me. Although their decision does not sit well with me, for I know the goblins blood thirst has only been sated, I will not go against their decision.

The short lived races are far too quick to trust and to forget the wrongings of the past. Will they be just as quick to forget my past wrong doings?

Note found in the dragon's hoard

Noak, I want to thank you for the artifact that you have gifted me. I was surprised that you found a temple dedicated to Corellon in this mountain. I suspect that it dates back to the fall of Nerath, when the elves and humans retreated underground to their Dwarven allies. Hah! Cowards and weaklings the lot of them. The artifact has a long and interesting history, one that I'm sure a sophisticated and cultured dragon like yourself will appreciate, and I'll be happy to share all that my sages have learned with you once you are finished in the Howling Caverns.

In return for your generous gift, I have dispatched these Hobgoblins to aid your efforts in the Nentir Vale, and I look forward to cementing our alliance. Once you have accumulated enough wealth to raise a mighty army, I hope you'll join me at my lair. With our combined forces, we shall be unstoppable! I'm sure that you'll find the climate here to be more to your liking than those warm caves.


The letter had been sealed with an emblem that looks like a downward thrusting, red hand insignia.